Monday, August 25, 2008

The News Is Out

I wrote this circa 1992--It appears to be a study on the homeless

The News Is Out, the words have been sold and sowed

I cease to wonder what has been told

As the print, I have done fold

All that is left is a paper

My blanket in the cold

Blowin wind tearing down one street

No one gathers by my feet

I hold my own, over the oilish trash burning heat

I know tonight's a night without any meat

And I do not care

I do not dare

I've furlough in the dragons lair

He is a friend of mine and lends me his chair

I might help him with some odd repair and I don't mind

and he don't care if I oft rest my head quietly there

In the morn I might wake

and find I've made yet another mistake

It's a chance I am forced to take

There is not much here at stake

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