Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ode to King Richard - for Richard vonMagnus

To Richard vonMagnus From Barbara Meyer-Spidell 1996

Ode to King Richard
- written by Barbara Meyer-Spidell

Whilst unripened and vintage peasant boast they internalize the eternal awe
King Richard's glittering fantasia guitar strums call
Boldly lyrical of a succinct natural stepping—so concise
The unadulterated verse leave "The Wishbone" dangling loosely from the blunt buttery knife

King Richard then harvesting the ripening shores quickening yet breathless rise and fall
Casting the quanine colors on eagerly posing canvas spread so lustily on his wall
Streamlining BlackMojo penne-pulse with the flowering tenuous thrust
Within the fistprism of the King's tallion of his jilt-jaded King of Heart's brush

Shadowlight's vibrant screaming hues beckon casually and land
Voodoo Imagery from brilliant tethered scholarman
A million morsels
A million morsels
A million morsels from his hand

A million morsels bellow and glisten
A million faces will have heard and will listen
A millionth of their energy captured and succumbed
A millionth of his ideas aught and turning
Release your bread what has been done has been done
Set free King Richard for all is yearning

Conspire your world and knock it down freely
Let their mindseyes and arms do their own revealing
Let those peasants drool, point, and desire
Let them awaken from the deep slumberous wild adventure while he, The King sets the world
On fire!

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